Frequently Asked Questions

+ Can I get a refund?


+Are there any restrictions for Bungee and Rebound Fitness?

- We have a strict max weight limit of 300 lbs.

- You may not participate if you are pregnant. 

- You may not participate if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 

- Recent surgery, or  have a current injury.

* If you have any health concerns, we recommend you consult your doctor before booking a class.*


+How long are your classes?

Bungee classes are 45 minutes long.

Rebound classes are 35 minutes long.

+Can I cancel my reoccurring class package that I purchased before the commitment is up?

All of our reoccurring packages automatically renew each month. Please email us at least 24 hours before your renewal date in order to cancel.

*NO Refunds or Exceptions*

+Can I cancel a class I have scheduled?

You may cancel your class up to 3 hours before your scheduled class time starts.

*If you do not cancel 3 hours before class AND/OR you no-show your scheduled class you will lose your pass AND be charged a $5 fee.

(No exceptions or refunds)

+What should I wear for Bungee?

We recommend leggings or long biker shorts for bungee classes. A high impact sports bra and non-slip tennis shoes with ankle support are highly recommended.


+Are there any arrival directions? 

Please arrive 15 minutes early for your classes, this ensures we have time to get you weighed, and set up at your station so that we may begin class on time.


+Can I come late to class?

Our doors will be LOCKED at the start of each classes, and will re-open directly following each class. Please note if you are late you will miss your class, and will not be refunded. 


+Do I have to take a beginner bungee class?

Everyone, regardless of fitness level, must take our beginner bungee class. You are more than welcome to take a beginner class as many times as you would like! 


+What should I expect  going into my first class?

Please know going into our Beginner Bungee class you will most likely not get a solid 45 minute workout!

 Bungee Fitness is in a league of its own! Please bring your patience along for the ride as we try and get everyone through these first classes.

 It will take you a time or two to get everything adjusted and comfortable for your height and weight.

When you arrive you will be weighed, assigned a harness, and directed to your bungee station. Once you're attached to the bungee, we will help to ensure we have the correct height and amount of bungees attached. 


+Will the Harnesses be uncomfortable?

Some people may experience mild discomfort or bruising from the harness.

It will be uncomfortable the first few times, as most of us don't spend much time jumping around in a harness in our free time, it will ease up as time goes on!


+Why would a class get canceled? 

**It takes 2 people to make a class, if there are not 2 people registered 3 hours before the class starts we will make a decision to cancel the class.**


+Do we provide child care?

At this time we currently do not have child care.


+Will we have lockers for personal belongings?

No, we do not have lockers. Our studio is open concept and you will be able to keep your belongings within the site!

*Note, we are not responsible for items lost or damages at Superior.

Frequently Asked Questions